Nordic Partner: A Blue Thing In The Cloud


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
Calle Guillem de Castro 9, 5º,
46007 Valencia,

Design locations
Valencia, Spain

Serviced Countries / regions

Website URL

Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
We are a team of electronics and telecommunication engineers with passion for the development of new electronic products. The management of the company is composed of electronics engineers with 20 years of professional experience in this field.
We provide PCB Design and firmware development services. Our name comes from the technologies where we have strongest experience: the development of low-power devices with BLE and IoT connectivity features.

What makes us unique:
Our slogan is “When technology becomes art” because we really love what we do.
Our coding standards offer a high-quality firmware. We use specialized tools for ensuring that the firmware is MISRA compliant, and for getting HIS Metrics on the code. So we ensure that your firmware has no technical debt, offering a firmware very easy to understand, maintenance and scalable to new functionalities.
We offer 12 months of warranty on the firmware we develop.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
Since BLE is one of our specialities, we have been working with Nordic from the beginning. We are very strong in most of the Nordic BLE SoCs, including NRF51, NRF52 and NRF53, as well as in its specific tools, bootloaders and SDK.
We are experienced in both FreeRTOS and Zephyr SDKs offered by Nordic, and we also provide an upper abstraction layer, making the code more reusable, and it also makes easier to integrate middleware components made by 3rd parties.

Which projects we focus on:
We are a generalist turnkey contractor for both small and large electronic projects. We usually work with reduced delivery times, understanding that the time-to-market is critical. Our focus is on a high-quality firmware at a very competitive cost.
Nowadays, our clients are in USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Middle East.
Our main applications include: low-power, IoT, NFC, BLE, WiFi, 2G/3G/4G and GPS.

Design services

We are a:
☐ Consultant / Consultancy firm
☒ Design House
☐ Original Design Manufacturing (ODM)
☐ Solution Provider
☐ other:

We offer the following core design services in combination with Nordic products:

☒Hardware and RF design
☒Embedded software development
☐Advanced RF and antenna design
☐Security design and implementation

We also offer the following services:
☒ Rapid Prototyping
☐ Pre-production testing and validation
☐ Pilot production
☐ Transfer to production    
☐ Turn-key contract manufacturing    
☐ Product Cycle Management 
☐ Industrial design (enclosure/casing)
☐ Phone application development
☐ Device to Cloud integration 
☐ Cloud backend development
☐ Cloud frontend development
☐ Other:

We have experience with the following technologies on Nordic products: 
Bluetooth LE,  LTE-M, NB-IoT

We have experience with integration of 3rd party software and protocols in combination with Nordic solutions:
We are experienced integrating 3rd party software and protocols like Libtomcrypt or FATFs middleware components, and of course we are able to integrate any 3rd party component required in a project

UN Sustainable Development Goals
GOAL 5. Gender Equality. 80% of our engineers are women. We have an internal Protocol for Preventing the Sexual Harassment, and we communicate it to our clients and providers. This protocol was signed on 22th January 2022. Since 2021 we donate 3% of our revenue to “Proyecto Esperanza” an NGO fighting against the human slavery, specially focused in prostitution.
GOAL 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth. We offer stable and well-paid (above average) permanent work positions. We offer private health insurance and restaurant tickets to our employees.
GOAL 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. As an R&D technological company, we are in the forefront of the technology, impacting positively in the industry innovations.


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