Nordic Partner: AVSystem


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
Radzikowskiego 47d, 31-315

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Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
AVSystem automates process of IoT Device Lifecycle Management and helps companies to develop ecosystems of connected devices. We are provider of software solutions for various industries. The company is especially known for their expertise in largescale IoT Device Lifecycle Management, multi-protocol device management for the telecommunications industry as well as WiFi Value Added Services. AVSystem is also an evangelist of open-standards such as LwM2M and TR-069 and provides embedded client solutions for hardware manufacturers. 100+ customers prove the superiority of AVSystem’s solutions.

What makes us unique:
The main area of the company’s focus and development has always been Device Management. This lets us to understand what the industry needs are and how to use our products and experience to create tailor-made solutions to answer them.
As market leaders in IoT Device Lifecycle Management, we manage millions of devices worldwide. We focus on scalable solutions based on standards such as LwM2M to help companies speed up the time to market of their IoT projects deployment.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
Nordic Semiconductor delivers best in class IoT solutions dedicated to whole variety of industry verticals. The collaboration between our companies was a natural step for us to make and therefore we are happy all nRF series products provide unique LwM2M client, based on AVSystem SDK – Anjay, enabling each nRF device based to be remotely onboarded, configured and fully managed. Diagnostics, Firmware Update Over the Air, security mechanisms are just a few our products integrated with nRF series brings to all Nordic customers.

Which projects we focus on:
We have a lot of experience in dealing with large customers, however, recently we have opened ourselves to smaller businesses as well startups as we believe LwM2M will make their projects much more efficient and effective. Solutions we provide are flexible and often customized to answer the specific needs of our customers. We have customers from around the world, particularly in: USA, Japan, Switzerland, France, Finland, Netherlands, Poland, UK, but also in South America and Africa.
Top 5 applications / verticals:
1. Smart Utilities like energy, water or gas
2. Assets tracking
3. eHealth like Telemedicine
4. Agriculture
5. Security

IoT Device Lifecycle Management is in AVSystem DNA and our duty as well as legacy is to provide best in class products and solutions enabling IoT verticals to become remotely manageable. nRF integrated LwM2M client allows any of Nordic based application not only to diagnose the device remotely but what’s more fully manage both Software and Hardware. It’s a Plug&Play, ready to use solution supported by Zephyr project society and fully compatible with any LwM2M Device Management platform.

Getting Started with AVSystem and Nordic nRF9160DK

1) Get more information about LwM2M AVSystem Coiote IoT DM Platform. Learn about LwM2M with Free Crash course from AVSystem

2) Sign up for the Free Developer Plan at AVSystem Coiote IoT DM Platform  

3) (Optional) nRF Cloud Location Services via AVSystem: if you want to access the Nordic nRF Cloud Location Services via AVSystem (LwM2M), follow the instructions to connect your AVSystem account to your nRF Cloud Acount

4) Choose a Client and try it now on nRF9160DK 

5) Get tech support from AVSystem 

As an alternative to the steps above, you can follow the Step by Step Video Guide
  • with nRF Connect SDK LwM2M Client:


We offer the following solutions in combination with Nordic products:
☒ 3rd party protocols, software libraries & SDK
☒ Cloud and Device management


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