Nordic Partner: BlueIOT
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HQ Company Address (City, Country)
Tsinghua Science Park Innovation Building,
HaiDian District,
Beijing, China

Serviced Countries / regions

Website URL

Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
Blueiot is a leading provider of Bluetooth AoA Solutions, offering RTLS based on Bluetooth with an accuracy level down to 10cm. With an open positioning platform, we are expecting to help the world’s ten billion Bluetooth terminals to enjoy a more accurate location experience and greatly empower more industries.

What makes us unique:
Our Bluetooth AoA locating system is featured by high precision and high capacity with lower cost and less energy consumption. We also provide a broad ecosystem to empower all kinds of BLE devices.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
In developing AoA gateways and AoA tags, we are now working with Nordic nRF52833/810.

Which projects we focus on:
For customers, BlueIOT provides a full set of real-time locating products, including AoA gateways, tags, positioning engine and software platform, for both people and asset tracking, and offer fairly cost-effective high-precision locating solutions. We also seek opportunities to partner with tag suppliers, system integrators, and solution providers from all over the world to bring RTLS into full play in more industries.

As a professional and experienced provider of RTLS products and solutions, BlueIOT AoA locating system has been applied to various application scenarios including healthcare, logistics and warehouse, manufacturing, smart city like smart buildings, museums, amusement park, parking space, etc.

We offer the following solutions in combination with Nordic products:
☒ 3rd party protocols, software libraries & SDK
☒ Positioning systems/platforms
☒ Cloud and Device management

UN Sustainable Development Goals
As an advocate for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, BlueIOT will continuously identify and take action to seek ways to address the goals.
BlueIOT products are free from any harmful or poisonous substance and have been tested and found in compliance with the council RoHS 2.0 Directive (EU) 2015/863 and (EU) 2017/2102 amending Annex || to Directive 2011/65/EU


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