Nordic Partner: EMS Integrators


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
215 SW Federal Hwy
Suite 100
Stuart, FL 34994, USA

Design locations
United States

Serviced Countries / regions

Website URL

Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
EMS Integrators is the technology integrator for product development and global certifications. Vertical markets include user authentication with both physical and logical access control and LE Audio.

What makes us unique:
EMS Integrators provides ‘last mile integration’ services to customers for expediting their products to mass production. Removing the burden of surplus parts liabilities and component shortages

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
EMS Integrators focuses on wireless solutions which are offered by Nordic and their technology partners such as Bluetooth connectivity, LE Audio (Packetcraft), and Ultra-Wideband (Qorvo)

Which projects we focus on:
1. Our primary focus with mobile credentials combining technologies of BLE, UWB, and HMI proving a user experience of timely and streamline authentication. Second focus but equally important is the new technology LE Audio working on low power, increased audio performance, and the developing use cases including multi-stream audio and hearing assistance devices.
2. We developed EMSi5340 Bluetooth carrier board based on Nordic nRF5340 SoC utilizing the Fanstel BT40 Bluetooth module with USB and RS232 interfaces. The EMSi5340 is product certified as a system for USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Currently in mass production.
3. EMSi52840 – next gen product to service solution companies and customers to support developed products using the nRF52840 and the nRF52 series.
4. LE Audio dongle and wireless microphone based on nRF5340 providing USB interface from the PC, TV, etc.
5. In design UWB module based on Nordic reference design nRF52840 and Qorvo UWB solution.

Design services
• Bluetooth, UWB, AI/ML (ML on embedded)
• 25+ years of experience in Bluetooth development
• Add ML to your application to provide a unique advantage to your product offerings
• Optimize battery-powered operations leveraging the capability of Bluetooth and the Nordic Semiconductor IC
• Reduce engineering risk and component sourcing risk in Bluetooth product development
• Migration support from nRF5 SDK to nRF Connect SDK
• Migrate your nRF5 SDK-based application for nRF52 to the nRF Connect SDK to get the new features and applications on the nRF Connect SDK
• Move to the nRF53 series to take advantage of the fastest MCU using the nRF Connect SDK
• Bare metal applications on nRF52
• Build firmware that runs directly on the RADIO to reduce power consumption and memory usage to the bare minimum and use the cheapest and smallest nRF52 ICs for your application
• Software development nRF52 development (nRF5 SDK)
• Software test and automation
• Factory software for calibration and test
• iOS and Android app development for mobile credentials with Bluetooth and UWB
• Reduce risk by adding Nordic Semiconductor's IC offering as a second source to your existing Bluetooth IC vendor
• Customized analysis for features, functionality, and performance including vendor-specific features

We are a:
☒ Intuitive Bluetooth App Provider
☒ Consultant / Consultancy firm
☒ Design House
☒ Original Design Manufacturing (ODM)
☒ Solution Provider
☒ other: nRF5340 Bluetooth Carrier Boards globally certified a finished product in US, Canada, Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan

We offer the following core design services in combination with Nordic products:

☒Hardware and RF design
☒Embedded software development
☒Advanced RF and antenna design
☒Security design and implementation

We also offer the following services:
☒ Rapid Prototyping
☒ Pre-production testing and validation
☒ Pilot production
☒ Transfer to production
☒ Turn-key contract manufacturing
☒ Product Cycle Management
☒ Industrial design (enclosure/casing)
☒ Phone application development
☐ Device to Cloud integration
☐ Cloud backend development
☐ Cloud frontend development
☐ Other:

We have experience with the following technologies on Nordic products: 
Bluetooth LE,  Bluetooth LE Audio, Bluetooth Mesh,  Other

We have experience with integration of 3rd party software and protocols in combination with Nordic solutions:
QORVO NI SDK for UWB with Apple Nearby Interactions, Packetcraft LE Audio/AURACAST, LoRa

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