Nordic Partner: Golioth


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
548 Market St,
PMB 73345,
San Francisco,  CA 94104, USA

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Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
Golioth is an IoT cloud company. We make it easy for hardware engineers to connect their sensors and devices to the web.  
We focus on building a great IoT cloud, tightly coupled to Nordic Semiconductor components, so engineers can focus on building great hardware.

What makes us unique:
We enable hardware and firmware engineers to build custom hardware and create a full-featured cloud connection without needing to be a cloud expert. Secure and scale embedded devices with our instant IoT cloud and go from idea to production in minutes.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
Nordic sets the highest bar for low-power wireless IoT products, which is exactly the quality Golioth aims to provide for our customers. Working with Nordic means hardware engineers can significantly speed up time-to-delivery with a world-class device-to-cloud experience. 
Quickly connect Nordic components to the web with the Golioth IoT data platform. Use the Golioth SDK, built on top of nRF Connect SDK, to immediately start sending data to the Golioth console. Golioth enables device databases, 1-click OTA, fleet-wide settings management, device health monitoring, and more. 

Which projects we focus on:
Golioth focuses on products that are ready to scale. We enable excellent prototyping capabilities and our scalable cloud infrastructure means you can grow your product as soon as you’re ready. Golioth is ready-made for projects using Cellular, WiFi, and Thread connectivity. Application verticals run the spectrum from asset tracking to low-power sensor networks.  

Golioth is an Instant IoT cloud solution for data, OTA, and device management of Nordic devices. We have premier support for the nRF9160 (cellular), nRF7002 (Wi-Fi), as well as nRF52 and nRF53 (Thread). Golioth makes it easy for hardware and firmware engineers using Nordic chipsets to connect their device outputs to the cloud and easily manage and export that data to 3rd party solutions. The Golioth Zephyr SDK can be used as a starting point for firmware projects (calling nRF Connect SDK as a dependency), or can seamlessly integrate into projects initially built on nRF Connect SDK.

Get started with Golioth:

We offer the following solutions in combination with Nordic products:
3rd party protocols, software libraries & SDK
Cloud and Device management


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