Nordic Partner: IOSEA
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HQ Company Address (City, Country)
157 Abbeywood Lane,
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

Serviced Countries / regions

Website URL

Company introduction:
We are a technology start-up innovating in the space of direction finding and positioning systems. We provide end-to-end real-time location solutions by using Bluetooth radios.

Our SEAgnal technology provides scalable, efficient and accurate location finding solutions by unlocking BLE 5.1’s potential for location services. As such, our solutions are more cost-efficient compared with the more expensive alternative technologies.

Our solutions leverage the capabilities of Nordic’s chipsets and we are currently working with BLE 5.1 nRF52833 and nRF5340.

We work with customers and system integrators seeking to integrate our SEAgnal location technology into their device or application. For that purpose, we also provide engineering services so that can meet our customers’ unique system requirements. We also provide end-to-end RTLS solutions by connecting IOSEA’s locators to cloud services.

We are a technology start-up innovating in the space of direction finding and positioning systems. We provide end-to-end real-time location solutions by using Bluetooth radios. IOSEA provides on device, on premises and end-to-end serverless AoA/AoD and RTLS solutions on the cloud. IOSEA has developed several development and demo kits to demonstrate AoA/AoD and RTLS. IOSEA provides hybrid highly efficient and low-cost indoor positioning solutions for BLE devices.

We offer the following solutions in combination with Nordic products:
☐ Programming
☐ Testing
☐ Certifications
☒ 3rd party protocols, software libraries & SDK
☒ Positioning systems/platforms
☒ 3rd Party Prototyping platforms / Development kits
☒ Cloud and Device management
☐ Cellular connectivity

Demo video








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