Nordic Partner: irnas


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
Limbuska 76b,
2000 Maribor,

Design locations

Serviced Countries / regions
EU, USA, World

Website URL

Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
IRNAS is a custom solution development company specializing in advanced industrial and infrastructural IoT monitoring and tracking systems. We offer development of electronic hardware, firmware, and mechanics, taking a product from an idea up to an industrial-scale production and with an array of partners manage design transfer into large-scale production.

What makes us unique:
The unique advantage of IRNAS is a complete in-house development process with a multi-disciplinary engineering team from electronics, mechanics, firmware, certification and product development supported by in-house production facilities including PCB assembly line, advanced CNC machining infrastructure, 3D printing and more. Such configuration enables a unique combination of skilled engineering development with rapid turn-around when innovating new projects. On top of that we are expanding a network of strategic partners to stay on top of latest innovation in semiconductor industry, connectivity technologies and similar. This allows us to be one of the earliest integrators of new-coming technologies.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
After working with several vendors for an number of years, we selected Nordic Semi in 2018 as our primary development focus, enabling in-depth engineering expertise and a broad range of products improving the experience of our engineering team. Our work started to a large extent with nRF52 BLE SoC series and then being one of the earlier adopters of nRF Connect SDK and the Zephyr RTOS ecosystem, particularly expanding to cellular connectivity with nRF9160 as the one-stop solution for developing such applications.
Through our close partnership, we have become one of the earliest integrators of the new-coming components launched by NordicSemi. This gives us a chance for competitive advantage as well as bring the latest solutions to our clients. We do need to go through the initial phase of solving early-days bugs, but through DevZone portal, regional sales office, and direct contact with Nordic engineers we always managed to efficiently overcome all issues we encountered in the process and, as a result, delivered a number of successful projects to this day.
Our work expands into the machine learning integration supported by Edge Impulse and Nordic partnership, where we participate as one of the engineering partners developing the low-level integration as well as now implementing this technology for our clients.

Which projects we focus on:
Our growth strategy and focus are oriented towards supporting clients from an idea stage to the scaled production business, typically over a multi-year process and multiple product generations. In-house capabilities allow us to deliver fast while minimizing the overhead on development costs. Our team of 15+ engineers enables a higher level of flexibility and efficiency. We are covering a large list of connectivity technologies including LTE-M, NB-IoT, LoRa/LoRaWAN, BLE, Lacuna satellite connectivity, etc.
Top 5 fields of applications:
- Industrial IoT systems
- Tracking devices
- Infrastructure monitoring systems
- Advanced BLE-connected consumer products
- Free Space Optical (FSO) custom solutions development

Design services
IRNAS designs IoT and other connected solutions and an engineering partner end-to-end. For some clients this means we perform the role of consultancy in the initial steps and take over the design house role at alter project stages while for other clients we offer the expansion of their in-house engineering capabilities as well as the transfer of products from our in-house pilot production to external partners contract manufacturing. We offer from hardware to the cloud development and engineering, enabling our clients to implement a custom cloud solution or integrate one of the many readily available options. OUr electronics and RF expertise enables the design of the antennas and management of the compliance process, while we work with antenna manufacturers and external experts for the most complex RF problems. The IoT connectivity technologies we are most familiar with are Bluetooth, LTE-M, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN and a number of specialized solutions.

We are a:
☒ Consultant / Consultancy firm
☒ Design House
☐ Original Design Manufacturing (ODM)
☐ Solution Provider
☐ other:

We offer the following core design services in combination with Nordic products:

☒Hardware and RF design
☒Embedded software development
☐Advanced RF and antenna design
☐Security design and implementation

We also offer the following services:
☒ Rapid Prototyping
☒ Pre-production testing and validation
☒ Pilot production
☒ Transfer to production
☐ Turn-key contract manufacturing
☐ Product Cycle Management
☐ Industrial design (enclosure/casing)
☐ Phone application development
☒ Device to Cloud integration
☐ Cloud backend development
☐ Cloud frontend development
☐ Other:

We have experience with the following technologies on Nordic products: 
Bluetooth LE, LTE-M, NB-IoT

We have experience with integration of 3rd party software and protocols in combination with Nordic solutions:
LoRa, LoRaWAN, Zephyr RTOS, Memfault, EdgeImpulse

UN Sustainable Development Goals
IRNAS works actively with nature conservation organizations in applying the latest technologies to Climate action, Life below water and Life on land UN SGDs. We are well known for working with Smart Parks conserving wildlife from buffalos to lions and elephant to rhinos and many more as well as working with Arribada Initiative and sea turtle conservation and tracking.

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