Nordic Partner: Memfault
Memfault Logotype_Navy


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
Memfault, Inc.
2261 Market Street #4034
San Francisco, CA 94114, USA

Serviced Countries / regions

Website URL

Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
Memfault is the first cloud-based observability platform purpose-built for IoT devices that brings the flexibility, speed, and innovation of software development to hardware development. With Memfault, developers can remotely debug issues, deploy OTA firmware updates, and continuously monitor fleets of connected devices at scale.

What makes us unique:
Memfault pairs observability tools like crash-reporting and metrics collection with software update capabilities allowing Nordic customers to close the loop on issues they detect by pushing a fix down to their devices. Memfault’s automatic diagnostic data extraction, aggregation, analysis, and notification capabilities reduce issue detection and resolution times from days to minutes; thus, shortening development time and reducing engineering and support overhead.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
By integrating Memfault’s lightweight fault analysis features into the nRF Connect SDK, development teams can monitor key metrics like connectivity and low power states allowing them to proactively craft and deploy a fix for detected faults before end-users even notice them.
Through this partnership, nRF91, nRF53, and nRF52 Series developers can easily utilize Memfault’s remote debugging and monitoring capabilities through integration with the nRF Connect SDK to accelerate the product development phase and to ship projects with more confidence. All Nordic customers get free access to the full-featured Memfault platform on up to 100 devices forever.

Which projects we focus on:
Memfault works with any size IoT companies anywhere in the world with customers across different industries, including Consumer Electronics (Smart Home, Wearables, etc.), Industrial Automation, Last Mile Logistics, Agriculture, Energy, Medical Devices, and more. Memfault can be quickly and seamlessly integrated and deployed to existing product fleets with a normal firmware update or built-in during development, due to its minimal footprint and impact on system resources.


With the native Memfault integration in the nRF Connect SDK, Nordic developers can integrate the Memfault SDK and access Memfault’s web app with just a few clicks, accelerating overall development. Memfault allows Nordic users to:

  • Remotely debug issues with coredump, events and log collection
  • Get automated analysis of asserts and exceptions occurring on devices in the field
  • Monitor device and fleet-level metrics like connectivity and low power state
  • Fix bugs quickly and ship new features directly to customer devices with staged rollouts and specific device groups.
  • Manage their entire device fleet (>100 device) in production (after converting to a paying Memfault customer)

Nordic users can quickly enable Memfault in their firmware to shorten time to market and continuously improve devices in production, keeping customers happy and increasing success of the solution. Memfault is shipped with the Nordic nRF Connect SDK 1.6 and newer. Using the nRF9160 and LTE connectivity, Memfault setup is instant enabling you to see your devices on the Memfault cloud in 5 minutes. For nRF52 and nRF53 devices, developers can quickly integrate Memfault data into gateways and mobile devices to communicate with Memfault by using provided code samples.

Get started now:


We offer the following solutions in combination with Nordic products:
☒ 3rd party protocols, software libraries & SDK
☒ Cloud and Device management


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