Nordic Partner: Sensoan

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HQ Company Address (City, Country)
Salo, Finland

Design locations
Salo, Finland

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Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
Sensoan is an agile end-to-end capable IoT-company. Our operations are based on the design of energy-efficient wireless devices and comprehensive IoT solutions, as well as customizing them to meet customer needs when necessary. We provide turn-key solutions, from product concept, electronics design, firmware and cloud connectivity. We can take the design to manufacturing and handle the certification process.

What makes us unique:
Our core is in customer specific problem solving, designing customized devices and software. The team has extensive experience from mobile cell phone industry both in local and cellular connectivity, as well as in Wirepas mesh networks. We have unique skillset to handle the whole IoT stack from electronics and sensors all the way to the web UI.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
We have been using several Nordic Semiconductor products both in short range wireless mesh solutions and in energy efficient modular cellular network-based products and platforms.

Which projects we focus on:
We welcome customers of all sizes. Our customers typically have a product or service, which they want to digitize, or they have invented a new business model enabled by remote connectivity.
Our customers come from different domains e.g. from smart buildings, smart tracking and energy efficiency

Design services
Sensoan's designers help you solve the needs whenever ready-made solutions cannot be found. We start from the defined problem or ready-made product definition. We have the knowledge for the whole process – from the design and concept creation to the hardware and software design of the device all the way to certification and transfer to production and maintenance. We can organize the manufacturing with our partners, or we can help you to select your own. For industrial design and mechanical engineering, we work with our partner companies.

We are a:
☐ Consultant / Consultancy firm
☒ Design House
☐ Original Design Manufacturing (ODM)
☐ Solution Provider
☐ other:

We offer the following core design services in combination with Nordic products:

☒Hardware and RF design
☒Embedded software development
☒Advanced RF and antenna design
☒Security design and implementation

We also offer the following services:
☒ Rapid Prototyping
☒ Pre-production testing and validation
☒ Pilot production
☒ Transfer to production
☐ Turn-key contract manufacturing
☒ Product Cycle Management
☒ Industrial design (enclosure/casing)
☒ Device to Cloud integration
☒ Cloud backend development
☒ Cloud frontend development

We have experience with the following technologies on Nordic products: 
Bluetooth LE, LTE-M, NB-IoT, Wirepas

We have experience with integration of 3rd party software and protocols in combination with Nordic solutions:

UN Sustainable Development Goals
In our Company Values, we are committed to develop solutions, which improve energy efficiency and support saving the natural resources. Such projects include e.g. metering and optimizing energy consumption. Our products are also used in elderly care providing information about condition and wellbeing. In industry our sensors help optimizing the resources, needs-based maintenance and inventory fulfillment.


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