Download our FREE Product Brief on Bluetooth 5 now!

The brand new Bluetooth 5 ready SoC from Nordic Semicondutor redefines scope for smart home, IoT and wearables. 

nRF52840 product brief CaptureThe recently released Bluetooth 5 specification opens up new doors to exciting markets for Bluetooth applications:

Not only will 2x bandwidth double the speed of any communication. It will also cut power consumption in half compared to any existing solution, which may be just as important in an IoT context.

Extending Bluetooth broadcasting capabilities from 32 to 256 bytes will propel next-generation "connectionless" services, and quadrupled range opens new opportunities in smart buildings and homes.

The single-chip Bluetooth low energy nRF52840 System-on-Chip (SoC) raises the bar for Nordic’s high-end nRF52 series SoC lineup in terms of both performance and feature improvements. Features include:

  • Full Bluetooth 5 support: Enhanced silicon and quality software stacks
  • Wide protocol support: Through IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC layers
  • Powerful CPU: ARM 32-bit Cortex-M4 core @64MHz
  • Enhanced security: ARM CryptoCell cryptographic accelerator

Submit the form to get our free product brief - and find out how this single chip packs a huge performance punch and solves a lot of challenges for smart home, IoT, and wearables developers!



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