Nordic Partner: Ambient Sensors
Ambient sensors logo


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
PO Box 7215,
Boise, Idaho 83707, 

Design locations
3380 Americana Terrace,
Boise, Idaho 83706, USA

Serviced Countries / regions

Website URL

Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
Ambient Sensors is an engineering professional services company organized to “make things that matter” for our clients by developing creative technical solutions. Our business focus is primarily the wireless IoT space. Our customers come from sports, transportation, medical, food, safety, lighting, and building automation industries.

What makes us unique:
We have a deep understanding of microcontrollers and the associated firmware, wireless networks, sensors, power, circuit design, RF design, software development, integrated mobile applications, and cloud computing. This understanding enables us to create innovative and scalable solutions, including solutions for the Internet of Things. The founder of Ambient Sensors, Robert Davidson, is a co-author of Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy (O’Reilly)

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
We started using Nordic SoCs in 2012 and have completed projects for customers using the nRF51, nRF52, nRF9160, and nRF53 series of SoCs. We have collaborated with Nordic R&D to write lighting and building portion of Bluetooth Mesh SDK

Which projects we focus on:
Our customers are organizations who need a complete product developed or need us to augment an existing product development team. The companies we work with have ranged in size from single-person startups to companies with multi-billion-dollar revenue. We follow a modified stage-gate process of project development. Spending time up-front collecting customer use case and customer involvement at each stage of the project is critical.

Design services

We are a:
☒ Consultant / Consultancy firm
☒ Design House
☐ Original Design Manufacturing (ODM)
☐ Solution Provider
☐ other:

We offer the following core design services in combination with Nordic products:

☒Hardware and RF design
☒Embedded software development
☒Advanced RF and antenna design
☒Security design and implementation

We also offer the following services:
☒ Rapid Prototyping
☒ Pre-production testing and validation
☐ Pilot production
☒ Transfer to production
☐ Turn-key contract manufacturing
☐ Product Cycle Management
☐ Industrial design (enclosure/casing)
☒ Phone application development
☒ Device to Cloud integration
☐ Cloud backend development
☐ Cloud frontend development

We have experience with the following technologies on Nordic products: 
Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth Mesh, LTE-M, NB-IoT

UN Sustainable Development Goals
Our work, especially with BLE Mesh Lighting and Building Automation, is driven by our commitment to “make things that matter” in the sense of making things that improve life on earth, in this case by reducing the demand for electrical energy while providing a safe and enjoyable environment.

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