Nordic Partner: CA Engineering


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
147 West Election Road, Suite 200,
Draper, UT 84020

Design locations:
USA, Utah

Serviced Countries / regions:

Website URL:

Company introduction:
We have been delivering dependable engineering consulting services for complex wireless scenarios in the enterprise, military, medical and telematics industries since 1995. We provide cohesive support from idea to store shelves, and for every step in between.

Our core engineering team has been working together for over two decades, providing seasoned perspective and stability to every project in which we engage.

Our engineers have completed several Nordic-based projects, and are currently working on numerous additional Nordic-based projects. We have developed working relationships with Nordic engineers, enhancing our ability to quickly resolve issues that arise in connection with implementing Nordic features and functions.

  • CAE excels in chip-down (greenfield) hardware designs
  • CAE’s average engagement (from conception to product delivery) is 6-12 months
  • Current market demands require both low cost and quality—CAE specializes in minimizing cost without compromising quality
  • CAE generally works as an extension of its clients’ engineering teams, frequently in an Agile working environment. As such, we adopt the flexibility or structure requested by our clients.
  • CAE is a wireless specialist.
  • CAE has customers located in the US, Asia and Europe.
  • CAE offers comprehensive manufacturing services, including manufacturing test and test fixture design, development and implementation; QA test development and implementation; complex RF characterization, configuration and testing; and MAC address and security key generation/handling

Design services:

Design house
Turn-key contract manufacturing services

We offer the following core design services:

☒ Hardware and RF design
☒ Embedded software development
☒ Advanced RF and antenna design
☒ Security design and implementation.

We also offer the following services:
☒ Full product prototyping
☐ Industrial design & prototyping
☒ Pre-production testing and validation
☒ Pilot production
☒ Transfer to production
☒ Phone application development
☒ Cloud backend integration
☒ Cloud backend development
☒ Cloud frontend development

Additional info:
Low-power design; RF performance; antenna configuration, assessment and testing; design for manufacturing; regulatory certification.

We have experience with the following technologies on Nordic products:
Bluetooth LE, Zigbee, Thread, LTE-M, Other (matter/Project CHIP, HomeKit)

We have experience with integration of 3rd party software and protocols in combination with Nordic solutions:
matter/Project CHIP; HomeKit; OpenWeave; numerous custom protocols

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