Nordic Partner: Lobaro
Final Logo Lobaro v2-png


HQ Company Address (City, Country)
Stadtdeich 7, D-20097,

Design locations

Serviced Countries / regions
Germany & Europe

Website URL (DE) (EN)

Company introduction
Who we are and what we do: 
Founded in 2014, Lobaro is a self-funded design house and solution provider with a strong focus on smart metering & solutions for industry. As an agile partner for larger corporations, we enable rapid adaptation to new technologies and opportunities in the field of industrial IoT. Lobaro always strives to find the most technically elegant and at the same time cost-efficient solution, even if this means breaking new ground.

What makes us unique:
We work very efficiently with our customers, because from the first concept and prototype to the professional hardware design including firmware programming, supervision of regulatory testing and mass production, all necessary steps can be offered by Lobaro. We focus primarily on LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Networks) and use modern mobile technologies such as Narrowband IoT / LTE-M in combination with classic technologies such as wireless M-Bus, Modbus or LoRaWAN as fallback uplink or in bridge products.

Working with Nordic Semiconductor:
We use Nordic products in all new designs due to their outstanding technical features, which enable compact and reliable products without pushing the price to exorbitant heights.

Which projects we focus on:
We focus on small to medium sized development projects. These can be either new product developments or the digitalization of existing customer products. Often these products are modifications or combinations of existing Lobaro products, which leads to significantly reduced development costs:
- Smart metering (e.g. wireless M-Bus, wired M-Bus)
- Combination of Cellular IoT with LoRaWAN as fallback
- 100% solar powered Cellular IoT solutions
- Quality & security emphasized solutions
- Accompaniment of CE relevant regulatory tests

Design services
Lobaro Design Services are:
• Sensor / electronics development from concept to support for series production
• Wireless connectivity, especially wireless M-Bus / metering, Narrowband IoT, Bluetooth LE, LoRaWAN
• Proof of concept projects, often cost-effective thanks to the Lobaro modular system
• Retro fitting of existing systems with modern wireless telemetry
• Lobaro IoT platform for sensor management incl. provision of standardized data APIs
• IoT system & security analyses

We are a:
☒ Consultant / Consultancy firm
☒ Design House
☐ Original Design Manufacturing (ODM)
☐ Solution Provider
☐ other:

We offer the following core design services in combination with Nordic products:

☒Hardware and RF design
☒Embedded software development
☒Advanced RF and antenna design
☒Security design and implementation

We also offer the following services:
☒ Rapid Prototyping
☐ Pre-production testing and validation
☒ Pilot production
☒ Transfer to production
☐ Turn-key contract manufacturing
☒ Product Cycle Management
☒ Industrial design (enclosure/casing)
☐ Phone application development
☒ Device to Cloud integration
☒ Cloud backend development
☒ Cloud frontend development

We have experience with the following technologies on Nordic products: 
Bluetooth LE,  LTE-M, NB-IoT

We have experience with integration of 3rd party software and protocols in combination with Nordic solutions:
LoRa, 868 MHz FSK solution
FreeRTOS embedded operating system
External and in-house developed LoRaWAN protocol stacks
In-house developed Wireless M-Bus stack

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